
Նախադասությունները գրեք անցյալ ժամանակաձևով և դարձրեք հարցական, ժխտական։

They have a cold. They had a cold. Had they a cold? They hadn’t a cold.

She eats an apple. She ate an apple. Did she eat an apple? She didn’t eat an apple.

Peter goes to school. Peter went to school. Did Peter go to school? Peter didn’t go to school.

He wants an ice cream. He wanted an ice cream.  Did he want an ice cream? He didn’t   want an ice cream.

Kelly watches TV. Kelly watched TV.  Did Kelly watch TV? Kelly didn’t watch TV.

Our teacher lives in the village. Our teacher lived in the village. Did our teacher live in the village? Our teacher didn’t live in the village.

My father works in his office. My father worked in his office. Did my father work in his office? My father didn’t work in his office.

The girls read a book today. The girls read a book today. Did the girls read a book today? The girls didn’t read a book today.




Թողնել պատասխան

Ձեր էլ-փոստի հասցեն չի հրատարակվելու։ Պարտադիր դաշտերը նշված են *-ով